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Sunday 3 May 2009

I was waiting. . . May be my waiting is going to finish :)

It's very natural that when we don't get any feedback of our work we become hopeless even about God's pray! But when we get feedback of our works then it speeds up our work more than ever first! It's also true for my blogs! I became sad about my blogs cause i had much visitors but no comments. I put a marquee line that saying 'Please leave your valuable comments and suggestions'. May be it was missed from my visitor's eyes :). So they came, saw, spent few moments here and went again :(. I was left just as a nothing but silent audience. There is a saying patience's fruits are sweet. I kept patience, now i'm getting sweet fruits! Sweet fruits are coming to me by one of my visitor's comments :) thanx to her. I got much inspiration from her comments. Keep fine always.


  1. :) nothing 2 loose..if u do d best u will get best feedback 2. only need bit patient...d best result ll be find not far again but in our grip.

  2. Hi Mr. It is true that a banion tree gives us shadow & others advantage but it never want alternative benefit. So you always remember man poses but god disposes.

  3. Is my comment still so valuable now? i cant find any update from here :) nor any story that pleased me whenever i visit ur blog
