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Friday, 4 December 2009

Keyboard Shortcuts for Opera Browser

Standard keys

MovementMove one line up    ↑

Move one line down    ↓

Move one character to the right    →

Move one character to the left    ←

Move one screen-full up    Page Up

Shift + Space

Move one screen-full down    Page Down


Move one screen-full to the left    Ctrl + Page Up

Move one screen-full to the right    Ctrl + Page Down

Go to top    Home

Go to bottom    End


FocusCycle focus forward within active context    Tab

Cycle focus backward within active context    Shift + Tab

Activate    Enter

Exit context or cancel    Esc

Display context (right-click) menu    Shift + F10

Properties dialog    Alt + Enter


System keysOpen file    Ctrl + O

Save copy of page    Ctrl + S

Print page    Ctrl + P

Hide Opera    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H


Text keys

EditingUndo recent changes    Ctrl + Z

Redo recent changes    Ctrl + Y

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Copy selection to clipboard    Ctrl + C

Ctrl + Insert

Move selection to clipboard    Ctrl + X

Shift + Delete

Paste from clipboard    Ctrl + V

Shift + Insert

Copy selected text to Notes panel    Ctrl + Shift + C

Select all    Ctrl + A

Delete selection (or character right of cursor)    Delete

Delete selection (or character left of cursor)    Backspace

Toggle text-style bold    Ctrl + B

Toggle text-style italic    Ctrl + I

Toggle text-style underline    Ctrl + U

Convert hex to Unicode    Ctrl + Shift + X


FindFind text    Ctrl + F

Find next instance of text    Ctrl + G


Find previous instance of text    Ctrl + Shift + G

Shift + F3

Search for text in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)    (numeric) /

. (period)

Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)    Shift + (numeric) /

, (comma)


Loading keys

AccessGo to your home page    Ctrl + Space

Alt + Home

Enter a Web address    F2

Paste and go in current or new tab    Ctrl + Shift + V

Display a Speed Dial    Ctrl + 0-9

Enter nickname for fast bookmark access    Shift + F2

Save page address as new bookmark    Ctrl + D

Save as new bookmark in active bookmark folder    Ctrl + Shift + D


TransmissionReload (get latest version of) page    Ctrl + R


Reload selected frame    Alt + F5

Ctrl + Shift + R

Stop page loading    Esc

Cancel current voice prompt    Esc


Navigation keys

HistoryGo to next page in history    Alt + →

Ctrl + →

Shift + Backspace

Shift + scroll wheel up

Go to previous page in history    Alt + ←

Ctrl + ←


Shift + scroll wheel down

Fast forward    Shift + Backspace



Site navigation


To remove the last part of any Web address (such as a sub-directory) and go to that address, press Ctrl + Backspace.

Display modesPrint preview (toggles on/off)    Ctrl + Shift + P

Use entire screen for browsing    F11

Toggle "Fit to width"    Ctrl + F11


SourceView page source    Ctrl + U

View source of active frame    Ctrl + Shift + U

Validate source of active page or frame    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U


Developer ToolsOpen developer tool    Ctrl + Shift + I


ZoomingIncrease zoom % by steps of 10    Plus

Ctrl + Plus

Decrease zoom % by steps of 10    Minus

Ctrl + Minus

Restore zoom to 100%    *

Ctrl + 0


Link keysSelect next link in page    Ctrl + ↓

Select previous link in page    Ctrl + ↑

Follow selected link    Enter

Open selected link in new tab    Shift + Enter

Open selected link in background tab    Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Save link target (such as document or image)    Ctrl + Shift + S


Spatial navigation keysNavigate between links and form elements    Shift + ← ↑ → ↓



Tip: The combination of the Shift key and arrow keys is the fastest way of moving around a Web page when wanting to locate links and Web form elements.

Form keysLog in/auto-fill form using the Password Manager    Ctrl + Enter

For a series of connected pages, see Fast Forward

Go to next element in form    Tab

Go to previous element in form    Shift + Tab

Select form element    Space



Access keys


These shortcuts are unique to pages that have access keys enabled. Toggle HTML access keys    Shift + Esc

Enter HTML access keys    A-Z and 0-9


Page keys: basicsBrowse in new tab    Ctrl + T

Close active tab    Ctrl + W

Ctrl + F4

Undo closing of tab    Ctrl + Shift + T


Application windowsBrowse in new application window    Ctrl + N

Close application window    Ctrl + Shift + W

Alt + F4


Tab keys: switchingCycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order)    Ctrl + Tab

Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order)    Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Switch to previous tab on tab bar    Ctrl + Shift + F6

Switch to next tab on tab bar    Ctrl + F6


Panel keys: activationToggle last active panel with panel selector    F4

Toggle last active panel    Shift + F4

Activate panels for keyboard navigation    F7

Expand all folders/views in panel    Shift + →

Collapse all folders/views in panel    Shift + ←

Toggle Search panel    Ctrl + Shift + 1

Toggle Bookmarks panel    Ctrl + Shift + 2

Ctrl + B

Toggle Mail panel    Ctrl + Shift + 3

Toggle Contacts panel    Ctrl + Shift + 4

Toggle Chat panel    Ctrl + Shift + 5

Toggle Notes panel    Ctrl + Shift + 6

Toggle Downloads panel    Ctrl + Shift + 7

Toggle History panel    Ctrl + Shift + 8

Ctrl + H

Toggle Links panel    Ctrl + Shift + 9

Toggle Windows panel    Ctrl + Shift + 0


Panel keys: actions

BookmarksOpen bookmark    Enter

Open bookmark in new tab    Shift + Enter

Open bookmark in background tab    Ctrl + Shift + Enter


MailMark all e-mail in selected view as read    Ctrl + Shift + A


ContactsShow messages associated with contact    Enter

Compose message to contact    Shift + Enter


DownloadsOpen downloaded file    Enter


PreferencesEdit your preferences    Alt + P

Ctrl + F12

Quickly edit most popular preferences    F12

Edit browser appearance    Shift + F12


Focus keysSet focus to Web page (to enable keyboard navigation)    F9

Set focus to address field    F8

Ctrl + L

Alt + D

Set focus to search field    Ctrl + E

Set focus to personal bar (only when you have search fields)    Shift + F7

Restore original address in address field and set focus to page    Esc


Manager pagesManage bookmarks    Ctrl + Shift + B

Manage downloads    Ctrl + J

Manage history    Ctrl + Shift + H

Manage links    Ctrl + Shift + L


E-mail keys: reading and sending

BasicsCheck e-mail    Ctrl + K

Write new message    Ctrl + M

Attach files to message    Ctrl + O

Upload queued messages to mail server    Ctrl + Shift + K

Send composed message    Ctrl + Shift + S

Ctrl + Enter


NavigationGo to next message    J

Go to previous message    U

Go to next unread message    H

Shift + J

Go to previous unread message    Y

Shift + U

Move one screen-full up    Shift + Space

Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread    Space

Scroll up in message body (even if focus on message list)    Alt + ↑

Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list)    Alt + ↓

Set focus to message list    F8

Set focus to message    F9


ThreadsExpand all threads    Shift + →

Collapse all threads    Shift + ←

Mark thread as read    M

Mark thread as read, go to next unread    N


E-mail keys: managing

MarkingMark selected message as read    K

Mark selected message as read, and go to next unread e-mail    G

Mark selected message as read, and go to previous unread e-mail    T

Mark selected message as unread    Shift + K

Mark all messages in active view as read    Ctrl + Shift + A

Move selected message to Trash    Delete

Delete selected message permanently, without moving to Trash    Shift + Delete


RespondingReply to message    R

Reply to all recipients of message, including sender    Shift + R

Forward message    F

Redirect message    D

Continue editing message (Drafts, Outbox, and Sent views)    Enter

Focus "Quick reply" field    Q

Shift + F9


HandlingSave sender's address as new contact    A

Save attachments    Shift + S

Label message (for example important or funny)    L, 1-7

View all messages associated with sender    E

Copy raw message data to clipboard    C


ViewingToggle different layout of message list and message body    I


Chat keysDownload and list available rooms on chat server    Ctrl + Shift + J

Set focus to chat input field    Shift + F9


Help keysOpen Opera Help    F1

Search while viewing help page    Ctrl + F


More information


Learn more about using the keyboard.

Single-key shortcuts


Opera 9.5 disables the following single-key shortcuts, which were enabled by default in Opera 9.2 and previous. To re-enable these shortcuts, check the box marked "Enable single-key shortcuts" in Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts. Function    Single-Key Shortcut

Switch to previous tab on tab bar    1

Switch to next tab on tab bar    2

Cycle through frames in page    3 and Shift + 3

Minimize tab    4

Restore/Maximize tab    5

Restore zoom to 100%    6

Zoom out by 100%    7

Zoom in by 100%    8

Zoom out by 10%    9

Zoom in by 10%    0

Cycle through links in page    A and Q

Cycle through headers in page    S and W

Cycle through elements in page    D and E

Toggle between author mode and user mode    Shift + G

Address bar history drop-down    H

Load and display all images    I

Toggle loading of images    Shift + I

Speak selected text    V

Forward    X

Fast forward    Shift + X

Back    Z

Rewind    Shift + Z

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Ninite, installs many softwares in a minute :D

for more information peep to this link :D

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Shortcuts for Avira AntiVirus



Ctrl + Tab

Ctrl + Page down

Go to next section.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Ctrl + Page up

Go to previous section.


Change to the next option or options group.

Shift + Tab

Change to the previous option or options group.

← ↑ → ↓

Change between the options in a marked drop-down list or between several options in a group of options.


Activate or deactivate a check box, if the active option is a check box.

Alt + underlined letter

Select option or start command.

Alt +


Open selected drop-down list.


Close selected drop-down list.

Cancel command and close dialog.


Start command for the active option or button.

In the help



Alt + Space

Display system menu.

Alt + Tab

Shift between the help and the other opened windows.

Alt + F4

Close help.

Shitf + F10

Display context menu of the help.

Ctrl + Tab

Go to next section in the navigation window.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Go to previous section in the navigation window.

Page up

Change to the subject, which is displayed above in the contents, in the index or in the list of the search results.

Page down

Change to the subject, which is displayed below the current subject in the contents, in the index or in the list of the search results.


Shift between the navigation and the subject window.

Page up

Page down

Browse through a subject.

In the Control Center





Display help

Alt + F4

Close Control Center




Open configuration


Start update

Section Scanner




Start scan with the selected profile


Create desktop link for the selected profile

Quarantine section




Rescan object


Restore object


Send object


Restore object to...




Add file


Delete object

Section Scheduler




Edit job




Insert new job


Delete job

Reports section




Display report file


Print report file


Display report


Delete report(s)

Section Events




Export event(s)


Display event


Delete event(s)